Jan 1, 2012

Welcome 2012

2012 tahun yang dinanti-nantikan aku. kalau diikutkan oleh para pengkaji kaum Mayan, kaum yang telah lama pupus suatu ketika dahulu, tahun 2012 diramalkan tahun bumi dan semua kehidupan akan berakhir. Hurmm, tidak diketahui ada kebenaran asas disebalik ramalan tersebut tetapi kalau diikutkan fakta, kaum Mayan memang popular dengan kehebatan mereka dalam meramal masa hadapan. Anda sudah bersediakah untuk menghadapi pengakhiran zaman? 

Hahaha, it's not the thing that i want to write about, not about the world is end or Mayan or what ever.. 
ya ya, it'a about my aim. 
My planning that i keep for 4 years ago. It's too long right. Just keep it without sharing to others and do some research about the things that i plan. Silent research. Syhhhh.. syhhhh(opss, syuh syuh, jangan kencing kt blog gue..) 

Guess what is it?

Hahahahaha, are you wonder what exactly i want to plan, the thing that i keep in mind for 3 years?
It's too long right. Perkara ini perlu dibuat dengan sebaik mungkin kerna aku tidak mahu berlaku sebarang kerugian dan kegagalan diatas kesilapan aku sendiri. Ehemmmm.. Hopefully everything can goes smoothly as what i have planned before. The dream that i want from i know about the life. The dream that i want to satisfied my own life, especially my family. The dream that i want to comes true for this year, 2012. I have a dream, a song to sing ~ ~ (nyanyi lagu Westlife, i have a dream)... lalalalalalala..~

I need to keep it secret until now, but later i will inform in my blog also on what i'm doing. 

!!!!!!The war has begun!!!!!!
pap prap pap kabOOOOmm!!

The mission for the future need to archive from now. Just need a little time and extra efforts in this operation.
Yeahhh, i can do it, need a support from you guys to archive the goal. Thanks for who could give the support yeahhhhhh..


p/s: image taken from mr.google

1 comment:

Yumida said...

usaha tangga sampei ke atas...azam utk berazam...


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