Feb 15, 2010

My Journey On Valentine Day 2010 (VERSION 1)

For the first time in my life, i celebrate Valentine Day (14 February 2010)with my friends. That is the happiest moment in my life when i and my friends do some party in our hostel... Bank Muamalat hostel, UUM...

By The Way, its difficult for me to write in English, so i will write my journey in "broken languages" such as Bahasa Malaysia and English la..

First at all, our journey was start on 10.30am. There was 8 of us, all the Borneo's Girls that "terdampar kat Sintok Jungle" during this holiday will do wild party on this Valentine night.

But one of us is missing because she need to take our photo.. hehehe

Oh yeah, our first target is C-Mart, Changlun. Untuk pergi ke sana, kami menunggu bas HBR (HARI2 BAS ROSAK) kerana hanya bas itu saja yang masuk our U when holiday time. Jangan harap la nak naik bas Mara. Bosan juga kami menunggu bas yang tak sampai. Untuk menghilangkan kebosanan akibat menunggu bas kami telah berposing maut di bus stop Muamalat.

Then, after wait for 1 hour, the buruk bas, HBR bas was arrive, but at that time we were not ready because all of us still "khusyuk" taking picture. All of us run go to the bas, like the bus will leave us for a few minute. Luckily, we can catch the bas to.. Ala, there will not leave us like that la because we give them kekayaan.. Hahaha, rite kan..

"bRoOm, BrOoM..." the sound of HBR bus moving towards Changlun. Beberapa minit kemudian, kami tiba di Changlun dengan selamat walaupun kami dah terlepas perhentian bas ke C-Mart gara-gara tak ada seorang pun menekan bell bas. Bas tersebut berhenti di depan CiMB Bank, destinasi yang sesuai untuk kami mengorek harta karun. Ala, maklum la tengah pokaikan before bershopping habis-habisan.

After mengorek duit dari ATM, kami terus menuju ke Marrybrown untuk mengisi perut yang telah mengeluarkan bunyi merdu semenjak menunggu bas kat hostel tadi.
Attack Marrybrown!!!!

Selepas kenyang makan, kami pun menuju ke destinasi utama iaitu C-MART, Changlun, syurga membeli belah student UUM (walaupun bagi aku tak la syurga sangat cuz barang nya tak lengkap pun). (Opss, sorry C-Mart mengutuk la pula... Dont Sue Me Yea, Its only positive comment...)


our shopping journey end on 2.++ (i forgot the time) and we arrive at UUM on 3.30pm..

~to be continued~

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