I'm thinking to change my blog layout.
I just looking for something simple with a simple gadget that i would like to put in my blog.
But do you have some idea what website that good for change blog layout beside using blogger design?
Or how about if i want to create my own layout, how can i search for a code for it?
Ermm, my dear blogger friends, do you have some idea?
Help me yea!!
yup,im thinking the same think but i dun even have good idea..so, i just create my own *so called clumsy* header but the layout is still not satisfying me,huhu.
hehe.. tQ awak.. :) insya Allah, nnt wardah amek ye.. :)
sukeeeeeeeeeeee banget!!! :D
hmmm...mybe awak boleh guna yg simple punya layouts..but u can create ur own background..
paste code dia..n tadaaaaa...dah jd..
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